Spirits, called the Ghede. The Haitian Voodoo Pantheon

The Gedes are the spirits of the death.  In Haiti, it is feasted in November 2nd. It is known as all soul’s day.  A day that takes you in reconnection with your past. In remembrance of your loved ones that once walked with you on the surface of the earth.  A day that all vodouists dress up in Gede colors (Black, white, purple), and parade themselves to the cemetery where they depose flowers and special ritual foods on their ancestral tombs.  The Gede family is of a diverse lineage. They are Deities and can equally easily be the ancestor's loa.   The Gede spirits are originated from the Kongo. They dwell in the Petro rite. The Gedes hold dominion over life and death. For Gede, death is a passage that attributes to another life. That involved the cycle of eternity. They represent past, present and future. In the Gede Rites, the aspect of good and evil only refer to the hour of time.  As for Baron Kafou, Baron Lakwa, Baron Samedi, Baron Simityé and Grann Brijit, they are the assessors; they weight and balance; they decide and grant the coming of the death to the cemetery. The vodouists have a strong maternal bond to the Gede spirits. For example, they considered Grann Brijit as their mother; Baron Lakwa as their defender, Baron Simityé as their guardian and so forth and hence on. Most of the Gede loa consumed hot pepper due to their cold temperature when they are in possession. Their main salutation is "Kwa Senbo!" Segbo in the Fon language, which means great spirit. “Kwa Senbo!” Happy cross. The symbol for Gede is a cross that represents death and the four elements, which encompass the cardinal realm.  Their dance the banda, that involves the movements of the hips and sexual attraction, which originated in the Kongo.  Gedes are known to be humorous, mischievous and vulgar about sex and sexuality. The Gedes are good sources of fertility. They are beneficial for spiritual work like uncrossing and jinx-breaking.  They help children that don't do well in school. They are low maintenance at serving and offering. Nevertheless, the Gede loa, are not to be let down.  They expect you to hold onto your promise.  The Gede family is recognized as: Baron Samedi, Baron Simityé, Baron Lakwa, Grann Brijit and Gede Nibo.  Also, the extended loa are: Gede Ti Wawé, Gede Mazaka, Gede Loray, Gede Ti Pis Lakwa, Gede Drivayé, Gede Ti chal Lakwa, Gede Kapten Senbo Lakwa, Ranmasé Lakwa, Kraze Lakwa, Gede Lafimen, Zozo Lakwa,
Zeklé Lakwa, ECT. 

© 2017 by _Patricia Etienne
All rights reserved


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