The Goddess Ayizan Velekete Haitian Vodou Pantheon

Gazing at Inside the peristyle, which showing the allure of a splendid arrangement and white cloths cover every bit of impunity. That also causes the reflections of a snowy blanket of winter snowflakes. A gentle breeze flows in, with a sense of serene; alerting ones to exhale and waiting for the divine arrival. Meanwhile, the persistence of the drumbeat is starting at a medium sound of yanvalou and twarigòl. A variety of ritual songs from the rada rite consciously singing aloud; and kabalistic geometric signs trace on the air with the sacred gourd.  Abruptly, the breeze gets stronger and everybody has a sparkling glow in their eyes. Hearts pounding together with blood flow abyss. Their body swirl as if they were at the beginning stages of a trance. Equally they are splitting the ayizan branch, they commence to dance backward, sideways and circling around through the rhythm of the music.  The priestess that carries the ayizan, (Palm tree branches) begins to twirl around with a propelling body texture, eyes rapidly flatter, frown face, hunch back walks, strolls and gasping for air due to old age. This indicates that Goddess Ayizan   has come forth into being conjured. She symbolized in voodoo the palm tree. She's the dominant seed.  She functions as the physiological tree in voodoo for the ounyo (new initiates) to mount during their conversions. The frayed palm branches are spreading over their faces to protect the birth of their third eyes and to always stay invulnerability. For Ayizan the tree is served as the feather that helps voodooist through their great loads. As her spirit continues to drift across the temple, it feels like a divine transformation in the air.  Her energy brings togetherness, peace and a sense of safety.  Her essence is  consummated with purification of wisdom. She's always partake of the ceremonial initiation. She’s the Preparer of the spiritual soil for the undergoing initiates to dwell.  She's the helper of the gate. She's the guide that unlocks their hearts to feel and their inner voice to hear and observe through along their spiritual path.   Like her spirit bond with Loko and Legba, Ayizan is the defender of the vodou peristyles. Nonetheless, she's known by many names: Vodou  Ayizan, Ayizan Legba, Ayizan Velekethe, Ayizan Belekounde, Ayizan Loko, Ayizan Imanou, Ayizan Belekou, Ayizan Poumgwe.  Granny Ayizan, greet Legba yeah!

© 2017 by _Patricia Etienne
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