Spirit Marinette Of The Wild Fire

Trees make her better, bonfire makes her more powerful. She sustains the power of propelling onto the hot things and that’s how she rides through life. She’s known by so many different names: Marinette of the dry arms (Marinette-Bwa-Chech), Marinette of the dry legs (Marinette-Pye-Chech), Marinette lit-fire (Marinette-Limen-Dife) and all these titles attribute of her skeletal figure. Marinette fierce spirit of the Kongo-Zandò nation of the voodoo pantheon. She was tortured by her past enemies and brought up to a loa after her mortal death. She’s feared and as much respected by many. Marinette has been always at the brink of elevation. She’s able to ride on trees, wooden pole like a vine on the wall. She's the owl in the morning and the bat at night. As her dual façade projecting power, independence, protection, determination, announcement, presence from another dimension, ambiguity, intuition. Once Marinette sense danger on the horizon, she gears up to protect her children. She made her presence known by excreting scent of smoke, charcoal, gasoline and those who chose by her, they could hear a screechy noise from the inside of their ears. Those who double cross her, could face loss of appetite, excess weight loss and could be inflicted by anemia. Her color is dark and carmine red. Her offerings are black hens or pigs with dark toasted plantain, yams and she sometimes sip gasoline. She likes everything that is burned, toasted, grilled and a bonfire of woods from Prosopis juliflora (Bayawonn). Reminded all of her pain and suffering, which make her an untranquil spirit. As always Marinette dwells in Bayawonn tree. It is said, that bayawonn holds hidden energies though its long taproots. Against all odds, Marinette is regarded as a powerful loa. She’s known to be very protective and never leave the side of her ridden while being in danger. As always, her spirit can be invoked in revolutionizing ritual, to cure the sick, drought land and so forth. She’s the mother to all those who are oppressed and known to free those from enslavement. Part of her power lies onto her broken manacles. In a temple that serves Marinette, you will see in the yard, a steel pike planted to the ground with a loose chain coiling around it. That used as a portal to bring forth Mambo Marinette. Then, extend these words with you, when you want to be helped by her. Marinette fierce spirit of the Zandò nation, one who lives approximately with fire and trees. Eskalabaha Marinette, Eskalabaha Marinette, Escalabaha Marinette!
© 2019 by _Patricia Etienne All rights reserved

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