
Showing posts from 2017

Spirits, called the Ghede. The Haitian Voodoo Pantheon

The Gedes are the spirits of the death.  In Haiti, it is feasted in November 2 nd . It is known as all soul’s day.  A day that takes you in reconnection with your past. In remembrance of your loved ones that once walked with you on the surface of the earth.  A day that all vodouists dress up in Gede colors (Black, white, purple), and parade themselves to the cemetery where they depose flowers and special ritual foods on their ancestral tombs.  The Gede family is of a diverse lineage. They are Deities and can equally easily be the ancestor's loa.   The Gede spirits are originated from the Kongo. They dwell in the Petro rite. The Gedes hold dominion over life and death. For Gede, death is a passage that attributes to another life. That involved the cycle of eternity. They represent past, present and future. In the Gede Rites, the aspect of good and evil only refer to the hour of time.  As for Baron Kafou, Baron Lakwa, Baron Samedi, Bar...

Ayizan Velekete Video Altar

Ayizan Velekete can as well be Grann Ayizan. She's the first Mambo high priestess in the Vodou lineage. She's the wife of Papa Loko Atisou. and Atibon Legba.  Her symbol is the sacred palm branch. She is linked to fresh water. She protects the marketplace. She's the voice, the guide of the Ounyò (the new initiates.)    Show less           NB-- I do not own the rights to this Vodou song.    

The Goddess Ayizan Velekete Haitian Vodou Pantheon

Gazing at Inside the peristyle, which showing the allure of a splendid arrangement and white cloths cover every bit of impunity. That also causes the reflections of a snowy blanket of winter snowflakes. A gentle breeze flows in, with a sense of serene; alerting ones to exhale and waiting for the divine arrival. Meanwhile, the persistence of the drumbeat is starting at a medium sound of yanvalou and twarig ò l. A variety of ritual songs from the rada rite consciously singing aloud; and kabalistic geometric signs trace on the air with the sacred gourd.  Abruptly, the breeze gets stronger and everybody has a sparkling glow in their eyes. Hearts pounding together with blood flow abyss. Their body swirl as if they were at the beginning stages of a trance. Equally they are splitting the ayizan branch, they commence to dance backward, sideways and circling around through the rhythm of the music.  The priestess that carries the ayizan, (Pa...

Spirit of Ogou

The Ogou lwa are the Nago Nanchon known as: Ossangne, Ogou Feraille, Ogou Badagri, Ogou Olisha, ogou Shango, Ogou Bathalah, Ogou Balindio, Ogou Shadeh, Ogou Bakoule, Ogou Belize, OgouYemenn, Ogou Yanmson Etc... They are warrior lwa. Their element is fire when they  represent the hot and wet on Balindio side. Their symbol is a forge.  Their ritual attributes are : The machete, the sword and the saber. The Ogou lwa are very intense  in time of possession.  NB-- I do not own the rights to this Vodou song.

Atibon Legba Video Altar

This is my Legba altar. Legba is the universal path in vodou. He's the elocutioner, the finder and he provides directions. He's the elder of the gate. You give him respects and treats and he pays you back with blessings.  NB-- I do not own the rights to this Vodou song.

I am of the Orthodox Voodoo

I am of the orthodox vaudou. See me like Olohun will see me. Treat me like Olohun will treat me. I hold out and breathe under the tree of life. Each day is a struggle, a hustle to live by. I dwell like a martyr without...    Do they even care to recognize that I am also part of the family as well? I am an atom of the tree bole. On this planet of earth, we are one family. We are wholly created by the higher force. He places us in different directions and placement of his right or option. He’s the kings of kings, Eloah, Olohun…. He's got so many names! Still, he’s one of so many. Unlike the bad rap of the voodoo inheritance. I hold back strong and unbeatable. Like the Levites, and the meaning of their career. I am of the voodoo lineage. I   am not made of fear and wrath. I am of the orthodox voodoo. I made of    strength and bravery. I generated my humility from the vertebrae of the two harmonious snakes Danbala Wèdo and Ayida Wèdo. Lik...

Erzulie Freda (goddess of love)

Soft wind blows in the mist of sunset. Nice and perky lily pond flower fly out of nowhere and drop on the earth. As it spreads out and come walking a gorgeous entity dressing in pink and clear blue. Her majestic crown with shaping like a drop of tears.  Her face shows caprice love, attraction and underline worries like there's no tomorrow. Her left hand wildly open holding her heart with a sword pierce into it. Which broke the illusion of a shade of trails of blood. In comparing of a concoction of rose and blue. Like a sea wave shade under the dim light of sundown.  In acknowledgment of her personality happy-sad, which reflect her mood swings under the cycle phases of Venus. She’s the great Erzulie Freda. Queen of the Rada Loa. Grannie Ezulie is who she is, the ruler of all the kids. And when the blue moon intertwines with seawater she's Erzuli Ayida Tokan. She’s the mistress of the house. As she calle...

Papa Legba

****My daughter Emma Raymond is the sole owner of this Painting above. (Papa Legba)  Papa Legba I see winds hassle with dark clouds across the cosmos. It feels like nature is pouring down on me like rainfall in the forest of amazon. Abruptly, the voice in my head is becoming loud and profound thoughts. Not manic, but intrusive with powerful properties. Telepathically giving me the sense of guidance and counselling. More or less, I sense the impulse to get up and light the candle. Bidding on the Lord of all gates. The designer of all destiny traces. Candlelight burns so low, no beat, no happy bouncing, no consistency, no energy as if I have no thrive or will power.  Pouring libation on the mist of the cross axis that is drawn on the floor, which encompass Heaven and Earth. Rum is soaking into the earthen floor like fine wine seeping on royal glass. Like a shot, candle light rise above the flame, burns bright and high. It indicates no sign of opposition.  Su...

The Mysterious Stone of Thunder (Pyè Tonè)

The mysterious sky splits open and released down energy from different aspects of origin below the earth circumference. ...Then, Air, Earth, Fire, and Water cluster to manifest the act of destiny. One time the stone rises above the footing by the side of a palm tree. Or mysteriously falls off against your foot. You become a chosen vessel. The one that owns your head finds you. You might want to run and hide. The regular recurrence of the spirit will locate you; because you are charmed since the hour of your nativity. And the appointed tree trunk planted on the clay of your navel cord. You are a matrix of nature. You are the powder within the spiritual capsule. You are a magical property. You are related by the gird of the living gods. There's no back peddling, no masquerade around. The patterns of the stone base and raise. You yield the power to manifest magical powers, to obtain and maintain. As the sun intersecting into the cloud and moon. Your metaphysical wisdom is devel...